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yyyzzzpersona . Can't I Just Live?

Subject: Finished | Sunday, June 20, 2010
Fuck it. I'm finished.

I'm finished dealing with all of your bullshit.

With you blaming me for all of your mistakes. With being your mother and your maid--your convienient friend.

But I still can't stop feeling like this is my fault, like I pushed you into this. I encouraged you to befriend all of them.

You don't tell me anything anymore. I've lost you and it's my fault....

Subject: Ignoring | Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Why does this
Have to be so hard?

You need to know.

I open my mouth
But I can't say a word.

You need to know.

I begin to ignore

We talk
You're oblivious

I continue to ignore

I don't want to hurt you
So why am I so good at it?

I want
To make this right

So I resolve
To stop ignoring

Subject: Losers | Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Why can't we just love each other?

We're both too willing to search for
whilst overlooking the

I fell in love with you for a reason.
But through the angry tears
I can hardly see why.

We are both at fault.

We push, yell, and scream,
in hopes of winning.
Winning what?                                   I only want to love you forever.
More contempt?                                                            Why can't you see that?

Subject: Forever | Monday, February 15, 2010
Things you should know:

You are loved. Just look around you.

Everything will work out. Just look ahead.

You are not a screw-up. Just look at where you are.

Forever is indeed forever. Just look how far we've come.

I am forever your friend. Just look beside you.

The past is the past. Don't look behind you.

Subject: Why? | Saturday, February 6, 2010

What did I do to deserve this?

Why are they all pointed at me?

One trigger there, and another there.
The most unexpected next to my head.

I run.
I plead.
I try to ignore it.

Nothing helps. BANG!

Another day wasted in agonizing

Subject: Necessary | Friday, February 5, 2010

My heart is pounding.
My stomach is in knots.
I feel like throwing up.
Or fainting.
I really don't want to do this, but I know it's necessary.
Oh, God....

Layout By Moorepocket . Images From Elegance Pixelfied
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